Badassery is properly defined as A CONVENING OF BADASSES. You heard it here first, kids. I made it up. And it sounds goood!!!
Badass is defined as.... Noun: North American informal Behaviour, characteristics, or actions regarded as formidably impressive: "few of us can attain her/his level of badassery."
YEP. These folks are BADASSES and I'm honored to know them and call them friends.... They are my tribe, my team, my community. And they are smart, kind and generous. You need to know them, too. They have amazing gifts to offer the world.
So, friend....welcome to THE BADASSERY!!!! xxx, Abby
Many more Baddasses are coming soon. We've just launched and they are such Baddasses that it takes time to convene everyone... even virtually! So stay connected here and look out for Blog & Instagram posts featuring these Baddasses! THANKS!